IFM has the largest functional medicine referral network in the world
active practitioner listings
countries represented in our database
of practitioners are located in the US while 27% are located internationally

Working with a functional medicine practitioner
A whole person approach to care
A functional medicine patient is an empowered patient whose voice and choice matters in how they receive care. Your provider will partner with you to identify the unique underlying causes of your symptoms and design a treatment plan that fits within the context of your life.

What to Expect
Have questions about what the functional medicine experience is like? We’ve created some resources to give you some insight as to what you might expect from working with an IFM-trained functional medicine clinician.

IFM Education & Training
Functional medicine practitioners are healthcare professionals who have undergone additional years of study. IFM offers accredited continuing education courses to ensure that the latest evidence-based practices are effectively used in clinical care.

Many think that functional medicine is expensive testing and expensive supplements, but, actually, the principles cost no money at all. Being able to really listen to someone's story and take a good intake is revolutionary. Many patients understand that lifestyle change is one of the options available to improve their health. And when they hear that those aspects are what is causing their chronic symptoms, they're open to making those changes."
Learn more about how functional medicine addresses

Collaboration with Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine
Cleveland Clinic was the first major academic medical center in the country to open a center for functional medicine. The center delivers care in a multidisciplinary model and has sought to bring research to the field.