Learning Center



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Bastyr University Resident Membership

  • This product is only to be purchased by Bastyr University Residents.
  • Resident members must "purchase" this product before gaining access to the discounted programs linked below.
Bastyr ResidenT Membership Benefits & Inclusions
  • Program Discounts:
    • 50% off Advanced Practice Modules (APMs) RESIDENT APMS
    • 50% off Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCPs) AFMCP ONLINE
  • Resident Scholarships:
    • Bastyr University will receive a discretionary yearly allocation of scholarship dollars for faculty or selected medical residents to attend IFM certification path courses.
  • Clinical Articles and Partner Publications:
    • Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (IMCJ) – Included in the Functional
      Medicine Connections e-newsletter, IMCJ provides practitioners with a practical and
      comprehensive approach to integrating alternative therapies with conventional medicine.
  • IFM Partner Discounts:
    • Journal Club: Two months of FREE access to Dr. Journal Club’s Basics Level membership and 20% off of any Dr. Journal Club level or product. DR. JOURNAL CLUB

IFM Membership Benefits are subject to change by IFM with notice period upon renewal.