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The Institute for Functional Medicine Receives Third Accreditation with Commendation by the ACCME

Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Updated on: July 26, 2022

FEDERAL WAY, Wash. July 26, 2022 – The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) is proud to announce their recent Accreditation with Commendation, awarded by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). IFM has been continuously accredited by the ACCME since 2001, receiving the coveted status of Accreditation with Commendation three times. This accreditation term is in effect July 25, 2022 – July 31, 2028.  

Amy R. Mack, MSES/MPA, IFM chief executive officer shares, “Continued recognition by the ACCME affirms the importance of IFM’s continuing medical education for practitioners worldwide. Accreditation with Commendation recognizes the breadth and depth of our education and how, through partnership with the healthcare community, IFM’s curriculum is positively impacting population health, improving the delivery of healthcare, and supporting health equity.”  

Grounded in science and equipped to effectively address chronic disease and comorbidities—75% of our nation’s healthcare expenditure—functional medicine is a proven and effective solution to the current healthcare crisis. A growing number of practitioners and patients are seeking a wider array of evidence-based care to improve health outcomes and decrease long-term costs.  

“Healthcare professionals must have access to the most up-to-date, safe, valid, and effective clinical training available to understand how to recognize and address the foundational causes of disease,” states Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND, IFM Board of Directors chair. “Patients deserve access to personalized care to restore and optimize their health.”  

Accreditation in the ACCME System seeks to assure the medical community and the public that IFM delivers education that is relevant to clinicians’ needs, evidence-based, evaluated for its effectiveness, and independent of commercial influence. Through participation in accredited CME, clinicians and teams drive improvement in their practice and optimize the care, health, and wellness of their patients. 

“We look forward to continuing our long-standing role in providing the gold standard for functional medicine education, tools, and resources,” adds Mack. “Our curriculum is evidence-based, informed by its forward-thinking, systems-oriented principles, and prepares confident and competent practitioners to deliver highly personalized care.”  

IFM is proud to serve as a provider of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and to continue to advance the highest expression of individual health through the widespread adoption of functional medicine. Learn more about IFM’s education and trainings at

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