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Northwestern Health Sciences University

An Academic Partner

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Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU)

NWHSU takes a person-centered approach to educating and training the next generation of healthcare professionals to not only deliver high quality care but to also advance the field.

Roots in Integrative Health

Academic programs in the College of Chiropractic, College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, College of Health and Wellness, and School of Massage Therapy are evidence-informed and integrative. Online programs, including the MHS of Functional Nutrition, take a collaborative approach to personalized healthcare, where solutions are one size fits one.

How Does IFM Support NWHSU?

IFM and NWHSU believe that people matter, and the future of healthcare is built on 1:1 partnership between patient and provider. IFM materials educate students, enhance skills of new practitioners, and reinvigorate the passion for medicine among seasoned clinicians.