Heba Mohamed Haddara, MD

Heba Mohamed Haddara, MD

Practice Information

  • Consultations Online
  • Consultations by Phone

Practice Location

E2814A6E-0D1F-4DCC-B107-7AA9AD796716 +201228003006
7655B631-35D1-495D-AD70-12DA3A1056B8 drhebahaddara@the-healer.net

Information for Patients

From the practitioner: About My Practice

The Stress management clinic (SMC) provides the best quality and personalized treatment for stress . We explore the root cause of patient imbalances and support restorative therapies for optimal health and quality life. The focus of our clinic is to provide relief and empower the patient and begin the journey to wellness .We seek to uncover the specific needs of each patient and target their case accordingly. We aim to both educate and treat in a gentle way using multiple methods of lifestyle medicine, clinical nutrition ,functional medicine, hypnosis, homeopathy, flower essence ,graphs therapy and the biofeedback by using the EDUCTOR Cybernetic System (FDA registered medical device )

From the practitioner: What Patients Can Expect

Expect to be heard ,cared of and to feel better. Our objective is to create a partnership that helps every patient reach their personal best health. We do it with passion ,compassion and education. We help patients discover themselves and to guide them in their own journey in achieving optimal health by addressing the person in a holistic way. We ask our patients to be willing to make changes to their diet, habits to reduce stress . Our interventions are tailored to their lives and help to set achievable health goals. The Eductor is a unique experience with fascinating results; its is drug less, non invasive and natural .We aim to reduce stress, train the body to manage it, thus improving mental ,emotional and physical , balance.

Languages Spoken

  • Arabic
  • English
  • Italian

Graduate School Education

BSc And master in clinical genetics at faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University (Egypt), a fellowship from Lekland school of homeopathy (UK) ,nutrition diploma from NNI, certified biofeedback practitioner from Victor Babes school of medicine Romania.

IFM Coursework

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Bioenergetics (formerly Energy) Advanced Practice Module
  • Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module
  • Environmental Health (formerly Detox) Advanced Practice Module
  • GI Advanced Practice Module
  • Hormone Advanced Practice Module
  • Immune Advanced Practice Module