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Currency conversions are updated every 5 minutes based on forex.com rates. This estimate is provided for informational purposes only. It is meant only as an approximate conversion tool based on the latest information available and should not be relied upon for any other purposes. All rates are set on the day the transaction is made. Note that your account will be charged in USD.

UWS Faculty Academic Membership

  • This product is only to be purchased by UWS Faculty.
  • This membership ends and its associated discounts will become inactive December 31, 2022.

UWS Membership Benefits & Inclusions

  • IFM Program Discounts:
  • Clinical Resources:
    • Access to the UWS Faculty Toolkit for 2 years.
  • Clinical Articles and Partner Publications
    • Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (IMCJ) – Included in the Functional Medicine Connections e-newsletter, IMCJ provides practitioners with a practical and comprehensive approach to integrating alternative therapies with conventional medicine.
  • IFM Partner Discounts:
    • FMCA: Health coaches are the bridge between the doctor’s plan of care and the patient actually applying those changes in their life. As the only health coach certification program designed in collaboration with IFM, The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA) provides the gold standard in health coaching education and focuses specifically on behavior change within the collaborative care model. This membership includes a special discount on FMCA’s health coaching certification program as well as health coach hiring services for your organization. Click here to learn more. FMCA
    • Journal Club: Two months of FREE access to Dr. Journal Club’s Basics Level membership and 20% off of any Dr. Journal Club level or product. DR. JOURNAL CLUB
  • Find A Practitioner listing upon completion of AFMCP  Find a Practitioner
  • Faculty scholarships

IFM Membership Benefits are subject to change by IFM with notice period upon renewal.