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Functional Medicine Advanced Practice Modules (APM) Immune 2025


The Many Faces of Immune Dysregulation and Chronic Inflammation: Chronic Infections, Atopy, and Autoimmune Disorders

March 07 - 09, 2025
Up to 18.75 CME Credits
  • Module content comprises recorded presentations that will be rebroadcast as a livestream presentation. Introductions, transitions, and Q&A sessions will be live. This course will be presented in Pacific Time (PT).
  • Only the CME/CE option is eligible for commensurate CME/CE credits. More Info
  • Base tuition for this program is $1,875. Automatic discounts, including membership pricing, have already been applied for logged in users. More Info
  • APMs are advanced functional medicine courses that build upon foundational concepts presented in AFMCP. To make the most of your experience, we strongly recommend taking AFMCP to start your educational journey.
  • This course is part of the IFM Certification Program and the Functional Medicine Certification Program™. More Info
  • This course is eligible for Resident and Medical Student Tuition. More Info
  • IFM offers a military discount. More Info
  • All times are displayed in Pacific Time (PT).


Today’s Landscape

It is estimated that 25 million to 50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases. Functional medicine teaches that immune imbalance, while often resulting from a genetic disposition, will generally arise in the context of one or more of the following: the habitual consumption of a proinflammatory diet; food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances; microbial infections; hormonal imbalances; nutritional insufficiencies; and xenobiotic exposure.

Nearly 100 different diseases have been classified as autoimmune in nature, with 40 more suspected. While these conditions tend to be viewed as separate entities, a broader perspective may reveal that shared mechanisms are the underlying cause of these maladies. It is abundantly clear that environmental factors have important parts to play in the underlying etiology. In rheumatoid arthritis, for instance, genetic factors have been shown to be responsible for less than 50% of the risk. This means that environmental factors—and gene-environment interactions—must play a significant role. Despite this understanding, less attention has been focused on determining these other important causal factors.

Functional Medicine Advanced Practice Modules® (APM) Immune

This course will focus on chronic inflammation, systemic influences on the immune system, and the consequent dysfunction that may ensue. The Immune APM will supply you with an in-depth understanding of underlying immune mechanisms and enable you to develop effective interventions even in the absence of a conventional diagnosis.

Additional Program Information
IFM Planning Calendar

Schedule and Educators

Schedule available at a later date.
Schedule available at a later date.
Schedule available at a later date.

Additional Information

Program Highlights

  • CME/CE credit, if CME/CE option is selected for purchase
  • A step toward becoming an IFM Certified Practitioner
  • Entirely online; access the broadcast from anywhere with a stable internet connection
  • Interactive conference platform that allows you to connect with other attendees in real-time
  • Course materials: PDFs of all presentations as well as MP3 audio and MP4 video downloads
  • Pre- and post-course interactive videos and webinars
  • More than 18 hours of lectures, Q&A sessions, and discussion (see the “Schedule and Educators” section for a full schedule of topics)
  • 30-day access to IFM’s Toolkit with clinician resources that can be accessed and used in practice immediately after the course (Intake forms, patient handouts, and assessment questionnaires)
  • Morning movement activity
  • Live Q&A sessions with presenters
  • Opportunities to ask additional questions on a post-conference private discussion group moderated by IFM faculty

What You Will Learn

At the Immune APM you will learn how to: 

  • Identify different types of chronic inflammation and apply personalized treatments. 
  • Recognize that chronic inflammation is a root cause of nearly every chronic disease and achieve better outcomes by addressing it.
  • Better diagnose systemic inflammation by recognizing subtle and often overlooked elements in the history and evaluation.
  • Determine the root causes of each patient’s chronic inflammation to personalize treatment.
  • Explain in plain language to patients how immune dysfunction is contributing to their current conditions to help motivate them and improve adherence. 
  • Identify subtle and often overlooked clues on conventional and advanced laboratory biomarkers that indicate inflammation or immune dysfunction. 
  • Develop more personalized treatments for chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction for each patient that include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and botanical treatments. 

CME/CE Information

The CME/CE option is intended for clinicians who need to fulfill continuing education (CE) requirements. If you do not need CME/CE credits, you may purchase the non-CME option.

IFM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


*CME/CE credits are subject to change.

Registration, Participation, and Cancellation Policies


Program materials and CME certificates are delivered to you through your personal IFM online account. For this reason, you may not register multiple people or someone other than yourself. No registrations will be taken after 4:00 pm PT, March 06, 2025.


Livestream participation from March 07 – 09, 2025, is required for this IFM program. You must participate in the rebroadcast by logging in to your unique IFM account to receive CME/CE credit and receive credit for certification. Log-in information is unique and cannot be shared. Those who do not log in through their own IFM account during the rebroadcast will be removed from the program and will not receive program materials, recordings, CME/CE credit, or receive credit for certification.

Cancellation Request Received Eligible Refund
Date of registration/purchase – February 5, 2025* Refund less 5% administrative fee
February 6, 2025 – February 24, 2025* Refund less 25% administrative fee
February 25, 2025 – March 06, 2025 * Refund less 50% administrative fee
After March 06, 2025 * No Refund
*Next tier of fees in effect at midnight Pacific time

Tuition is non-transferable. Failure to log in to the livestream broadcast with no prior written cancellation or switch will result in complete forfeiture of tuition, course materials, and the course will not count toward certification (nonrefundable, nontransferable, no exceptions). Program materials are available only to registered participants. Log-in information is unique and cannot be shared.  If you have completed your purchase through Affirm, your cancellation will incur an additional fee of up to 6%. Cancellation requests must be submitted via the Course Cancellation Form. IFM will reply with a written acknowledgement once processed. IFM will reply with a written acknowledgement once processed.

My registration for the Advanced Practice Module (APM) signifies that I have read and agreed to IFM’s cancellation policy found above. My participation in the APM is not a substitute for any licensing requirements that may be applicable to me and does not independently authorize me to render care, prescribe regimens, or prescribe medications or supplements. My activities in the health and wellness field remain subject to my education, qualifications, and licensure.


Rebroadcast Information

Before registering for the Livestream event, please click the button below to test your device’s ability to support livestreaming.

test my computer

Additional information related to how to access livestreams (including system requirements) can be found in our FAQ section.

Livestream Chat Policy

The chat feature allows for our livestream learners to interact with their colleagues throughout this program. While we know our community has high standards for interacting respectfully with their peers and would never abuse the chat feature, we want to remind you that recruiting, advertising, soliciting, or spamming is not permitted. IFM reserves the right to remove individuals or specific comments from the chat and chat logs.

This program is being livestreamed from the actual event location over the internet to provide you with the ability to access this educational program from the comfort of your home or office. Although we are confident that the quality of this program will be outstanding, there may be occasional interruptions due to the nature of online streaming. All recordings of the educational sessions will be provided after the course.

We ask that you understand the nature of the internet and refrain from unnecessary comments in the chat regarding your internet issues, or the issues of others, that may occur. IFM and BroadcastMed are doing the best that they can to deliver this program, and we are confident that the event will be an overall success. Thank you for your understanding.

Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities

View the 2024 Core Program Exhibitor Prospectus for details on exhibit and sponsorship opportunities. For any questions or to discuss further, please contact the IFM Exhibiting Manager at exhibiting@ifm.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the presentations are recorded, why do I have to attend live?
You must check in and be present for the duration of the live rebroadcast to receive CME/CE credit and to receive credit for certification. Conference sessions feature real-time chat moderation with the educators. You may pose questions, comments, and interact with fellow attendees during the live rebroadcast. IFM encourages networking during the course. Please help us create a positive learning environment by adhering to our Chat Policy.


For conference accommodations or modifications due to a disability please let us know here: